The Most Misunderstood Investing Concepts: Risk ≠ Volatility

If you have followed my writing for any length of time you surely know that I hate the concept of volatility in investing. It is used as a proxy for risk and honestly that is a disaster for our industry, and for our end clients. Though I have covered this ground previously, I do not think I have covered it in as detailed a fashion as I do below. First, though, here are the other editions of this...
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The Most Misunderstood Investing Concepts: Growth is Not Free

My absence from the writing stage is a great example of life disagreeing with your priorities. In case you did not know it, I started a new business in February, Active Investment Management (AIM) Consulting, LLC. Those of you starting your own business know just what this entails. Ironically this plays into this article’s theme. Apologies for my long absence. Time and space are clearing, and I...
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Retirement is a Stupid Conversation for Customers

How could I possibly say that our industry’s most sacred customer conversation cow – RETIREMENT – is a stupid conversation for customers? Here is how…   Financial Professionals Have Never Retired Themselves Have you ever stopped to consider something patently obvious; that overwhelmingly the financial professional proffering retirement advice to our customers has themselves never retired?...
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The Most Misunderstood Investing Concepts: PEG Ratios

This is part three in a multi-part series on the most misunderstood investing concepts with this edition covering that classic valuation short-hand, the PEG Ratio. As a brief review, article one discussed many in the investment business do not fully understand fair value, while article two expressed my belief that time horizon is also a classic source of confusion. Despite having authored an...
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The Most Misunderstood Investing Concepts: Time Horizon

Several weeks ago, I began a new series of articles. In that first piece I discussed that fair value is one of the most misunderstood investing concepts. This edition discusses time horizon and the ways in which it is misunderstood.   Time Horizon Is Usually Subterranean I have said for years that almost every debate in investing and between investors can be resolved by first having...
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26 March 2019: Calcbench Master Class

A webinar done in conjunction with Calcbench – one of my favorite sources of financial data – on some of the top mistakes investors make when doing analysis, and how to avoid them. If you are one of that rarest of investors, those that do their own analysis, I cannot recommend Calcbench’s platform enough as the best resource in the world for firms’ accounting data....
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The Most Misunderstood Investing Concepts: Fair Value

To my many loyal readers who have asked where I have been for the last several months, my apologies for the absence. I have been busy with many projects, including the launching of my new business Active Investment Management (AIM) Consulting, LLC. I would love to earn your trust as my client! Next, I have been putting the finishing touches on a recently co-authored book with C. Thomas Howard,...
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