Skills That Separate You as an Investment Manager: Forthrightness

Once you’ve finally landed that coveted position as a research analyst, how do you stand out from the crowd in this highly competitive field? Many of the skills needed for a successful investment management career are not taught in business schools, and so I’ve been enumerating the unconventional skills you will need to build a successful career in finance. Thus far I’ve...
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Skills That Separate You as an Investment Manager: Absolute vs. Relative Decision Making

Some of the skills you need to stand out from the crowd as research analyst are obvious: a love of economics, business, and finance; vast knowledge of the preceding; high drive; confidence; persistence; and so forth. But, many of the skills needed for a successful investment management career are not taught in business schools. My series on these unconventional skills has thus far covered...
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The Intuitive Investor: A Simple Model of Intuition

Last month, I started a regular column on the power of intuition in investing that inspired many of you to write to me directly to discuss your experiences. While most of you viewed intuition positively, your responses indicated you still weren’t sure how to define it (i.e., that it lacked a central idea). You also expressed some reservations about applying intuition to investing because it is...
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Skills That Separate You as an Investment Manager: Decisiveness

In a recent series of posts, I have sought to complement my advice on how to become a research analyst by dissecting the skills that can separate you from the crowd once you have landed a coveted research analyst position. Having hired research analyst interns, research analysts, a portfolio manager, and even my own successor when I retired from investment management in 2005, I have gained a...
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The Intuitive Investor: Defining Intuition

In order to properly set the stage for additional discussion about the topic, it is important to first define intuition. Once we have a common understanding of what is meant by intuition, the benefits of cultivating intuition will become more obvious. I think Daniel Kahneman sets intuition up as a straw man for his behavioral economics theories. In his well-received book Thinking, Fast and Slow,...
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The Intuitive Investor: Why Intuition Is Important

Over the course of my investment career, I used several unconventional tools to improve the results of the fund I co-managed, but none was more powerful than intuition. In fact, there is a growing regard for intuition as many successful investors, including George Soros, attribute their success to intuition. A recent Wall Street Journal article said of executive decision making, “The potential...
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Skills That Separate You as an Investment Manager: Intuition

On the heels of the success of my blog post on how to become a research analyst, I have been writing a monthly series on the skills that truly separate you from the crowd once you have your coveted research analyst position. Thus far I’ve written about introspection and creativity. This month we’ll take a look at a skill I believe is highly undervalued: intuition. Intuition I...
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